Saturday, February 6, 2010

Egypt (30) Short, Sweet & Deep Part 2

Monday, January 25 2010

Egypt (27) Short, Sweet & Deep Part 1

We head back to the boat. As I said before, we have to walk through one boat to get to ours. Waheed is sitting in the reception area of the first boat. He has to wait for a few guests who will only come in about an hour. He invites me to sit down.

For two people who've just met, our conversation seems very deep. He tells me about his medical family and how he chose a  different career - in tourism. He's passionate about Egyptolgy and tells me how he always immersed himself in his studies.

We talk about travel and I tell him about my whirlwind adventures in Singapore and Malaysia in 2008.

He tells me (more than once) very sternly to never do that again. He's talking about my craziness of rocking up in Kuala Lumpur with no local currency, no accommodation and no plan.

We go on to talk about relationships and he tells me he's never had a girlfriend before.

I understand why his friends and colleagues call him Mr Serious, but it's just his style of speaking. He's way more reserved than they are.

"I'm a jealous person," he says. It sounds like he's going to be very over-protective of his girlfriend or wife one day. He tells me about how protective he is over his girl cousins and the clothing they wear. When he meets the person he'll be in a relationship with one day, he wants her to be his and only his. He even admits that he'll be jealous if she's friendly with other men.

His guests arrive and I go upstairs to meet my mum and take a nap. 


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