Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today I'm grateful for...

Sunday, December 27 2009

Today I'm grateful for...

  1.  ...being able to chat to my bro this morning.

  2. ...having free time to relax.

  3. ...TEFL site suggestions from DM.

  4. friends for advice/tips on Bangkok.

  5. ...witnessing the beautiful snowfall today :)

  6. ...Fistaz telling me how to do a screengrab from my iPod Touch.

  7. ...central heating - it was minus 8 today!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sheets! When are you going to Bangkok? You've been doing a lot of travelling lately, hope you enjoy it! Take care!

Sheetal said...


I'm going to tomorrow, this is the first intl travel I've done since July - long time ago!