Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pitter Patter...Pour!

Today it poured. When I walked to work, it wasn't raining very hard but I still got wet. It rained throughout the day. And then I thought - sh*t - I left my window SLIGHTLY open this morning, but had the net blind pulled down. Was I going to go home in 5 hours time to a windowsill-turned mini river? A few days ago, this happened and when I got home, the rain was so hard it came and wet everything near my window - including a copy of the Bhagawad Gita that I brought back from my trip to South Africa in April. The copy had expanded double its size because of the dampness. I felt awful :(

There were even messages on the school system to take care and watch out for leaks in the classrooms. The vice-principal also walked around the school checking for any damages etc... some of the windows outside the English classroom (in the corridor) were a bit open and the floors were wet.

I needed to do some shopping on my way home, but didn't - was not in the mood to carry rain in my grocery packets! It can wait till tomorrow.

Anyways, I was so relieved to come home and find that the rain hadn't come in through the SMALL opening of my window / net blinds. Around 7pm, the rain was still beating against my window - love this weather, but only when I'm at home and dry. My heart goes out to those without shelter during weather conditions like today :(

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