I'm never called to the principal's office, so when I got the call to go downstairs... I didn't know what to expect! The principal of the school I work for gave me this beautiful gift ... a set of spoons & chopsticks. He wrote a letter and explanation of the gift to me, which was translated by my colleagues...
First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to you because you have taught English to our students in an interesting and kind way since you came to our school. You've stayed with us for up to almost one and a half years.
I also thank you that you get along with all teachers at our school and have good relationships with them.
I am impressed you have learned Korean and Korean alphabet (Hangeul) and the bright side of Korean culture. Thank you also for introducing these things to your country.
I hope you keep fit and continue to educate our students. I also wish that you learn about our country and be able to promote Korea positively always.
Korea 경기도 시흥시 신천동 203번지
신천 초등학교 교장 조건상
(Sincheon Elementary School Principal, Geon-Sang Jo)

Giving a souvenir
〔a spoon and chopsticks)
to Sheetal
Korean people use spoons and metal chopsticks since they were young, so most Korean are skillful in work with using their hands. Using them has improved intellectual ability of Korean as well. For example, when Korean doctors operate on patients the fingers they use are very accurate and take care of detail. In addition, fields like IT technology and semiconductors are excellent.
Some Koreas who took part in The World Skill Olympics received first prize many times over the last several years.
I wish you will enjoy Korean life using these. Please, don't forget Korean and always keep my country in your heart.
2009년 2.11 수 wed
한국 신천초등학교장 조건상 드림
Korea Sincheon Elementary School Principal
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